Resident Research
The ACGME mandates that resident education must include scholarly activity and a resident must demonstrate scholarship by participation in sponsored research and/or preparation of an article for a peer-reviewed publication.
We expect residents to be active in clinical research, basic science research, and/or the writing of original articles and chapters. Ongoing research projects and research ideas are discussed at service-specific monthly research meetings and residents are encouraged to involve themselves and initiate projects. The Orthopaedic Department has ready access to the anatomy laboratories at the University of Virginia Medical School. This laboratory is used for the monthly anatomy prosections.
The Orthopaedic research laboratories at Cobb Hall are available for biomechanics, cell level research, and microvascular research. Additionally, an outstanding gait analysis laboratory is available for projects. The ongoing cellular, cartilage, gait lab, and growth factor research laboratories are staffed by experienced technicians.
Clinical research and outcome studies are administered through the Fontaine Offices.
Resident Research Day
Resident research day will be held during grand rounds and visiting professor conference the week prior to graduation. All residents are expected to present a research project to the faculty and other residents and fellows. An abstract should be submitted by June 1. The research presentations will be judged and an award given at graduation.