
Archive 2001-2005

A Monthly Review for Health Care Professionals

Pediatric Pharmacotherapy is a monthly newsletter providing a brief, referenced, peer-reviewed source of continuing medication information specifically related to children. The major focus is the initiation and monitoring of medications in the primary care setting.

Comments or questions? Contact Marcia L. Buck, Pharm.D., FCCP, FPPAG, at

Newsletters download in PDF format.

2005 – Volume 11
1 Ten-Year Cumulative Index
2 Use of Carvedilol in Children with Cardiac Failure
3 Recent Actions by the Food and Drug Administration
4 Pediatric Therapy Update: Azithromycin
5 Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine
6 Phenytoin for Seizure Prophylaxis after Traumatic Brain Injury in Children
7 Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis Booster Vaccination for Adolescents
8 Caspofungin for Refractory Fungal Infections in Infants and Children
9 The Use of Chloral Hydrate in Infants and Children
10 Drug-induced QT Prolongation:Examples from the Pediatric Literature
11 Zonisamide Use in Pediatrics
12 Combination Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella Vaccine
2004 – Volume 10
1 Aldosterone Inhibitors in Infants and Children
2 Sildenafil for the Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension in Children
3 Recent Revisions in Drug Labeling for Children
4 Therapeutic Uses of Codeine in Pediatric Patients
5 Assessing Information from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
6 Global Poliovirus Eradication and the Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine
7 Use of Metformin in Pediatric Patients
8 Current Recommendations for Influenza Vaccination in Children
9 Update on Palivizumab
10 Octreotide for the Management of Chylothorax in Infants and Children
11 Use of Rifampin in Pediatric Infections
12 Aripiprazole Use in Children and Adolescents
2003 – Volume 9
1 Eight-Year Cumulative Index
2 The Use of Milrinone in Infants and Children
3 Clinical Applications for Botulinum Toxin Type A in Pediatric Patients
4 A New Alternative for the Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
5 Immunosuppression with Tacrolimus after Solid Organ Transplantation in Children
6 Linezolid Use for Resistant Gram-positive Infections in Children
7 Amlodipine Use in Pediatric Hypertension
8 Immunizations for Adolescents
9 Low-dose Vasopressin Infusions for Vasodilatory Shock
10 Doxycycline for Pediatric Infections
11 The Use of Melatonin in Children with Sleep Disturbances
12 Recent Advances in Pediatric Pharmacokinetics
2002 – Volume 8
1 Food and Drug Administration Update for Pediatric Practitioners
2 Methylphenidate: New Information and New Options
3 Amphetamines in the Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
4 New Agents and Second-line Therapies for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
5 Topical Macrolactam Immunomodulators for Atopic Dermatitis
6 Acyclovir for Neonatal and Pediatric Viral Infections
7 Levetiracetam for the Treatment of Partial Seizures
8 Naloxone for the Reversal of Opioid Adverse Effects
9 HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors forTreatment of Hypercholesterolemia in Children andAdolescents
10 Pediatric Use of Gabapentin
11 Pediatrics Use of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin
12 Black Box Warnings: Implications for Pediatric Health Care Providers
2001 – Volume 7
1 Six-Year Cumulative Index
2 Oseltamivir: A New Option for the Management Influenza in Children
3 2001 Pediatric Vaccine Update
4 The Second-Generation (Peripherally-Selective) Antihistamines in Children
5 Intranasal Steroids for Children with Allergic Rhinitis
6 Topiramate for the Management of Seizures in Children
7 Isotretinoin: Improving Patient Education and Reducing Risk
8 Using the Atypical Antipsychotic Agents in Children and Adolescents
9 Perioperative Use of High-Dose Rectal Acetaminophen
10 Vitamin K for the Prevention of Bleeding in Newborns
11 Oxcarbazepine Use in Children and Adolescents
12 Amiodarone Use in Children