
Volunteer Opportunities

Student and Community Volunteers

Student Volunteer_Lara Karadeniz

Student volunteer, Lara Karadeniz, academic year 2016-2017

Qualified UVA undergraduate, interested graduate students, and qualified community members work for DOPS as volunteers, thus affording them an opportunity to learn about the scope of the Division’s research. The volunteers are interviewed and supervised by the DOPS Researchers and the Research Specialist. Once a volunteer is accepted and completes the necessary paperwork, they are offered the option of working on a number of projects such as: converting qualitative interviews and case narratives into quantitative data via a supervised coding process; entering data connected to cases of children who remember previous lives into a large SPSS database; assisting with database projects; assisting with the Ian Stevenson Memorial Library; assisting with research projects in the EEG lab to name a few possibilities. We are always looking for interested students, graduate students, and community volunteers who can commit to at least 3-4 hours a week.

Those students and community members who have skills in statistics, data management, data processing, and in qualitative coding procedures are especially needed.