
Keats’ Life and Legacy

Contributions to UVA Health System

Dr. Theodore Keats smiles in a posed photograph.Dr. Keats was appointed the fourth chairman of the department [of Radiology at UVa] in 1963. His experience in Sweden prepared him to reorganize the radiology faculty to facilitate the growth of subspecialties because of the need for trained radiologists who could perform all radiologic procedures. This change strengthened both the department and medical center. The department tripled the number of studies performed and initiated the full gamut of services during his 29-year leadership.

-excerpt from “Department of Radiology, University of Virginia: Genesis and Growth
by John F. Harlan, Jr. and C. C. David Teates

Articles About Dr. Theodore Keats

Award Honors Dr. Keats’ Glowing Career in Radiology
from Inside UVA – October 20, 1995
Dr. Keats is honored for receiving the American College of Radiology’s Gold Medal.

Profile on Theodore E. Keats, M.D.
from The Rounding Room- Spring 1996
Dr. Keats reminisces about his 45 years as a radiologist and his 28 years as Chair of the Department.


Dr. Keats' books

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Dr. Keats’ love of writing clinical articles became evident shortly after he completed Residency at the University of Michigan. He developed a lifelong interest of observing and reporting unusual and important radiographic patterns in health and among physicians. He published more than 100 articles, 30 book chapters, review articles, and several texts; and he was editor of Academic Radiology, formerly Investigative Radiology.

Dr. Keats' books

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