Advanced Microscopy Facility Rates
Light Microscopy Services: | |
Zeiss Lightsheet 7 | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Zeiss LSM 700 Confocal | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Zeiss LSM 710 Multiphoton Confocal | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Zeiss LSM 880 Confocal w/ AiryScan | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Leica Thunder w/ TIRF | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Olympus BX51 (High mag) | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Olympus SZX12 Stereo (Low mag) | please refer to iLab for pricing |
IMARIS Workstation | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Electron Microscopy Services: | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Zeiss Sigma Scanning Electron Microscope | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Carbon coating | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Critical point drying | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Sputter coating | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Technical Services: sample preparation, assisted imaging | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Technical Services: SmartBatch+ Tissue Clearing | please refer to iLab for pricing |
Instrument of the Month Workshop: | please refer to iLab for pricing |
*Prices listed are for University of Virginia clients.
Please note: training costs will include a technical service charge plus a microscope use charge for the amount of time spent training
If you are an external user and would like to know more about pricing please contact us