Student Stories
Lighting a Spark for Science With The Science Gnomad A little over a year ago, Naomi Atkin hit publish on her first article for her new website, The Science Gnomad. Through her website, this book-happy 6th year Biochemistry and… Breaking the Silence in Basic Science with Anti-Racism Discussions For Gustavo Pacheco, it wasn’t an option to move forward with lab research without stopping to acknowledge the debilitating hurt and anguish his colleagues felt over the loss of Black… Incoming first-year BIMS PhD students marked the beginning of their graduate school training by participating in a Welcome Lunch and Summer Orientation Zoom session on Monday, July 6th. Associate Dean… Pharmacology Student Shares Story of Finding Power in Resilience at Story Collider Live Event Brittany Martinez shared her experience of finding power in resiliency at the February 12th Story Collider live event featuring stories of Power in Science. “I think a lot of people… Neuroscience Student Has Essay Published in “Working Life” Column in Science Magazine Kate Still’s article, How I Got Through My Grad School Slump, was published in the February 13th “Working Life” column in Science Magazine. The article shared how she adjusted her… Congratulations to Pedro Costa-Pinheiro Congratulations to Pedro Costa-Pinheiro for being the first BIMS student to have received a Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00) from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). This award supports… Ellen Mintz graduated in the summer of 2019 with a degree in Experimental Pathology. She was the first student to join the lab of George Christ when he moved to…