The facility provides tissue samples from remnant surgical resection and autopsy specimens linked to clinicopathologic data while maintaining patient confidentiality; provides Clinical Trial and Clinical Research Support for the collection and processing of blood, other biofluids and tissue specimens; assists in the retrieval of archival histologic slides and tissue samples from the Department of Pathology; offers histology-based research services to support basic, translational and clinical research; and provides expert histopathology support from board-certified Anatomic Pathologists for Core activities.
The BTRF is located in the Carter-Harrison Research Building (MR6), 345 Crispell Drive
- RM G710: Main Entrance, Nucleic Acid Extraction and Advanced Histology Services
- RM G712: Specimen Receiving & Processing
- RM G714: Histology & Digital Pathology
- RM G710A: Dr. Pramoonjago’s office
Hours of Operation
The BTRF has staff on duty from 8:30 AM until 6:00 PM Monday through Friday, except
as noted below.
Shared equipment scheduling is done through iLab. Please refer to the BTRF iLab
website for a list of available equipment, training requirements, and hours.
The BTRF is closed from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM each Thursday for group meeting.
Equipment may not be booked at this time, and specimens will be accepted for processing
only with advance notice.
The BTRF follows the University of Virginia Holiday Schedule for the Academic Division
(see UVA Human Resources). For academic holidays when UVA Health System Clinics
are operating, the BTRF maintains a minimal staffing level to allow routine specimen
processing and also tissue procurement in surgical pathology until 5 PM or until scheduled
clinic closing, whichever is earlier
Cut-off times for tissue specimens:
For tissue samples processed in the Surgical Pathology grossing room, the specimen
must be arrive from the operating room no later than 4:30 PM. Specimens arriving
between 4:30 and 6:00 PM can be processed in some cases, but this must be arranged
with BTRF staff in advance.
We may attempt to procure from samples arriving after this cutoff with sufficient advance
notice and subject to availability of both a BTRF staff member and a qualified Pathologist.