Faculty profile is not visible
My faculty profile isn't visible on the Research Faculty Directory website.
If your faculty profile is not visible on the Research Faculty Directory website, please verify that your profile contains the following information in https://apps.med.virginia.edu/ResearchFacultyDirectory:
- Verify that your uvaid has been created.
- Verify that you are listed as faculty in our system.
- Verify that your email address is included in your profile in https://apps.med.virginia.edu/ResearchFacultyDirectory
- Do you have a primary affiliation selected?
- Is your Research Interest Title provided?
My faculty profile is not visible on the BIMS website
If your faculty profile is not visible on the BIMS website, please verify that your information, listed in the section above, is provided first. If so, then verify that the following BIMS information is provided in https://apps.med.virginia.edu/ResearchFacultyDirectory (in the “BIMS” section):
- Verify that your BIMS status is listed as “Approved”.
- Verify that your BIMS Research Opportunities have been selected.
- If you are affiliated with any BIMS PhD programs, verify that they are selected.
My publication profile is not visible in Symplectic Elements
If your publications are not listed on your profile page, please verify your Symplectic Elements account has been created. To verify that your publication search parameters are correct, please review the instructions here.