
Student Life

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UVA School of Medicine is a friendly, welcoming learning community where students learn not only the art and science of practicing medicine, but also develop personally. Students can find a wide range of activities to match their interests, including research opportunities, hands-on clinical experiences, and student organizations. And when it’s time to relax, the Charlottesville area offers numerous festivals and events, easy access to outdoor activities, great restaurants, and robust arts and crafts communities. Our students feel at home here.

Student Experiences

Our diverse student body brings together many different perspectives, strengthening classroom discussions and study group sessions. Enjoy a selection of personal stories captured below:

More Student Interviews

Danny Soto

Danny Soto

  • Year: SMD25
  • Hometown: Milwaukee, WI
  • Undergraduate Institution: Johns Hopkins University
  • Major: Neuroscience
  • Gap Year: None — immediately transitioned into medical school

Why did you choose UVA?

UVA’s giant spreadsheet of all the students who were willing to chat with interviewees gave me the first glimpse at how welcoming and supportive the school environment was, in addition to the respect the seemed to provide their students with fast decision turnaround times and friendly interviewers/faculty/students. Paired with solid research opportunities and a true pass/fail system, I admired UVA very early on.

Ishaan Rischie

  • Class Year: SMD 2026
  • Hometown: Atlanta, GA
  • Undergraduate Institution: Rice University (Houston, TX)
  • Undergraduate Major: Biosciences (conc. in Biochemistry & Cell Biology), Kinesiology (conc. in Health Sciences), & Medical Humanities (minor)

Why did you choose UVA?

UVA interview day was easily one of my favorite interview experiences! The students and faculty were genuinely excited to meet us and tell us about the School of Medicine, and I could see that the students really valued a sense of work-life balance. Aside from the community vibes, I also loved the combination of unique opportunities that UVA offered me. First, I was excited for the chance to see and work in two very different healthcare settings: the regional coverage of the UVA Health main campus versus the urban populations at Inova Fairfax Hospital. Second, UVA was one of the medical schools that best demonstrated its commitment to diversity, ethics, and social issues in medicine. In addition to the numerous Social Issues of Medicine lectures that are built into the curriculum, I was really excited for things like the Ed Hooks Scholars Program in Bioethics and Humanities as well as UVA’s patient-student partnership program. All in all, I chose UVA because it was kind of a perfect fit.

Meg Mercante

  • meg mercanteClass Year: M1
  • Hometown: Covington, Louisiana
  • Undergraduate Institution: Vanderbilt University
  • Undergraduate Major: Medicine, Health, and Society with a minor in History of Art

Why did you choose UVA?

When I walked away from my UVA interview, I knew that I wanted to go there. The faculty and students made me feel so welcome and really emphasized the collaborative culture, and being at UVA has been nothing short of amazing. Everyone is so supportive and wants the best for their students.

VMED Strength – A Student led initiative

UVA medical students working with the UVA SOM Alumni Association proposed and built a student run gym specifically for UVA medical students use. The gym offers UVA medical students a wide variety of classes, equipment and peer support.

Learning Communities at UVA School of Medicine

The Mulholland Society – Student Government

The University of Virginia has a long-standing tradition of student self-governance which at the medical school is the Mulholland Society. This organization includes all medical students, and promotes the interests and concerns of the student body.

The Mulholland Society also educates and informs students of national and regional events in the medical field and serves as an outlet for the academic, social, and athletic interests of medical students. Members of the Mulholland Society are elected to represent the School of Medicine on University-wide committees such as the Honor and Judiciary Committees and the Student Council.

University of Virginia Honor Code

The University of Virginia Honor Code is at once an injunction and an aspiration. The injunction is simple: students pledge never to lie, cheat, or steal, and accept that the consequence for breaking this pledge is permanent dismissal from the University. It is for its aspirational quality, however, that the Honor Code is so cherished: in leading lives of honor, students have continuously renewed that unique spirit of compassion and interconnectedness that has come to be called the Community of Trust.

Diversity at UVA School of Medicine

Diversity at the School of Medicine

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The School of Medicine has a strategy of leveraging diversity and inclusion to drive our mission of excellence in the delivery of quality patient care, the conduct of biomedical research, and the training of health professionals.

For students, housestaff, faculty, staff and patients alike, we strive to foster a sense of community that values and takes advantage of our differences and similarities in gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and beyond.

Diversity at the School of Medicine

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