Assessment Subcommittee
The Assessment Subcommittee reports to the Curriculum Committee and is responsible for the overall assessment philosophy for the curriculum and establishes guidelines and standards for assessment throughout the entire curriculum. The subcommittee ensures reliable and valid assessment methods are used to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudinal/behavioral domains. This subcommittee establishes passing standards for all assessments. The subcommittee regularly reviews equivalence of assessment across all instructional sites and comparability of educational outcomes. Recommendations from this subcommittee must go to the Curriculum Committee for final review and approval.
The Voting membership includes:
The membership is expertise-based, without term and includes the following voting members:
- Associate Dean for Assessment, Evaluation, and Scholarship, chair
- Director of Assessment
- Associate Dean for Curriculum
- Associate Dean for Clinical Competency
- Assistant Dean for Curriculum -Inova campus
- Director of Curriculum Evaluation
- Director of Academic Enhancement
- Director of the Clinical Performance Education Center
- College Dean representative
- Two system leaders with expertise in assessment
- Two at large members with expertise in assessment