
Phase 2

Phase 2, the Clerkship phase, begins with the two-week Clerkship Readiness Course. Students rotate with their learning community through clinical clerkship rotations. Clerkships occur at two campus locations, Charlottesville and Inova.

Phase 2 Clerkships

Phase 2 curriculum Calendar

Clerkships run for 39 weeks total, in three, 13 week blocks, with three 1-week vacations between each block.
  • Internal Medicine
    (6 weeks)
  • Intersession
    (1 week)
  • PCOM (Primary Care and Outpatient Medicine)
    (6 weeks)
  • Intersession
    (1 week)
  • SAGO (Surgery, Anesthesiology, Gynecology & Obstetrics)
    (12 weeks)
  • Pediatrics
    (6 weeks)
  • Psychiatry
    (3 weeks)
  • Neurology
    (3 weeks)
  • Intersession
    (1 week)

Phase 2 Curriculum

Students learn the clinical practice of medicine as they become a member of patient care teams across various settings and disciplines.