
Participant Testimonials

treesMindfulness changed my life! …

Inspiring, spiritual, practical, stress-reducing-  so positive on so many layers!  – Fall 2011

You gave me the gift of a lifetime!   – Winter 2009

I learned a lot about myself and how my conditioning and need for control contribute to my stress, and some tools to be more aware.  – Fall 2011

Please know you have changed a life. – Spring 2010

This class truly is the perfect complement to therapy!   – Winter 2009

Mindfulness practice is helping me understand my needs at this time in my life.  – Fall 2011

This class has taught me how to be a better parent.  – Spring 2008

I wish it were for 3 hours instead of 2.5 hours!  And for 16 weeks!  – Fall 2011

I feel a sense of freedom now…like I don’t have to be afraid anymore.  – Spring 2008

flowersI loved the class!  – Winter 2009

A life-changing experience.  – Fall 2009

Everything was wonderful!  – Winter 2009

The program is easy to understand, well taught, and rich.  – Winter 2009

A wonderful introduction to a lifetime of discovery.  – Winter 2009

Mindfulness works!  – Fall 2011

This is what I need for healing, help, calmness.  It is a perfect means for a good life.  – Fall 2011