
Perioperative Medicine Division

  • University of Virginia Dr. William Manson, MD, Dr. Stuart Lowson, MD, & Dr. Lee Heffner, MD smile for a Perioperative Medicine photograph.

    Perioperative Medicine Doctors William Manson, MD, Stuart Lowson, MD, & Lee Heffner, MD are ready to greet patients.

  • University of Virginia Perioperative Medicine Anesthesiologists Dr. William Manson, MD, Dr. Stuart Lowson, MD, & Dr. Lee Heffner, MD, confer about a patient.

    Perioperative Medicine Anesthesiologists William Manson, MD, Stuart Lowson, MD, & Lee Heffner, MD, confer about a patient.

  • University of Virginia William Manson, MD, Anesthesiology Perioperative Medicine Medical Director

    William Manson, MD

  • University of Virginia William Manson, MD, Perioperative Medicine Medical Director consults with a patient.

    William Manson, MD, consults with a patient.


The Perioperative Medicine Division at the University of Virginia (UVA) concerns the care of patients preparing for, undergoing and recovering from surgery. The Division has both a clinical and an educational focus. The clinical focus is to perform a comprehensive evaluation of perioperative patients with the goal of reducing procedure cancellation, and reducing perioperative length of stay. The educational focus is to educate anesthesia residents in the field of perioperative medicine.

Members of the perioperative medicine team evaluate and optimize patients prior to surgery and interventional procedures. The goals are to prepare patients for surgery in order to decrease same-day surgery cancellations and reduce perioperative morbidity and mortality. The team includes members from multiple subspecialties of anesthesia. Patients are evaluated over the phone, in-person and via telemedicine. This team coordinates care with multiple subspecialties including pain medicine, cardiology, pulmonology, and other clinicians.

A Message from the Medical Director

Tyler Johnson, MD

Tyler Johnson, MD
Medical Director of Perioperative Medicine

The Perioperative Medicine Division is currently in an exciting growth period. We are planning a major reorganization of the system to provide evaluation of all patients that receive anesthesia in the UVA System. We have begun work on optimization efforts to manage patients with chronic comorbidities.

The faculty in the Perioperative Medicine Division have a wide array of experience in Anesthesiology. Dr. Heffner has over 10 years of experience in Perioperative Medicine. She was the prior Medical Director of the Pre-Anesthesia Evaluation and Testing Center (PETC) at UVA Health. She brings her wealth of knowledge to the Division. She leads education efforts in Perioperative Medicine. Dr. Lowson has over 15 years’ experience in critical care medicine and anesthesiology. He leads the effort to review guidelines and policies in the Perioperative Medicine Division. Dr. Vizzini is trained as a pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist. She directs the care of pediatric patients in Perioperative Medicine. Dr. Lesh is trained in both internal medicine and anesthesiology. He has practiced in both private practice and major academic medical centers. Dr. Chiao completed her residency in anesthesiology here at UVA followed by a fellowship in Quality at UVA Health.

Our Division