
Three Cell Biology Faculty are Recipients of new 3 Cavaliers Grants from the Office of the VP for Research

In the first round of funding for a new seed-funding initiative, called the 3 Cavaliers Fund, designed to promote cross-disciplinary research, three cell biology faculty members are participants in two of the funded teams.  The program is run out of the Office of the Vice President for Research using funding from the Strategic Investment Fund:

Christine Thisse and Xiaowei Lu from Cell Biology have teamed up with Ray Keller from the Biology Department on a project entitled: “Building an in vitro Model for Neural Tube Defects”.  Bernard Thisse from Cell Biology has teamed up with Kyle Lampe and Rachel Letteri from Department of Chemical Engineering on a project entitled: “Engineering Cell-adhesive Microparticle Systems to Enable in vitro Modeling of Mammalian Neural Development”.