
April 2018 single cell sequencing and NexTSeq system

The GATC organized its first Genomic Technology Mini Symposium on April 9 in Pinn Hall.  Click here to see the April 9 event Agenda. 10X  Genomics described the operation and applications of their Chromium Single Cell Gene Expression Solution, summarized here. Illumina described how to make the best use of their NextSeq and MiSeq instruments as seen here.

The event also marked the launch of a mini grant program to facilitate access to  genomics NGS resources for the generation of preliminary data for grant applications.  The announcement for this mini grant program can be found here.

The winner of this years’ mini grant program is Dr. Weibin Shi Professor of Radiology & Medical Imaging for his proposal titled: “Rcn2 and Early-Onset Dystonia”

Congratulations Dr. Shi!