
Student Advocacy

Photo showing UVA Medical Center Charlottesville VA, which supports student advocacy and support throughout

We are committed to promoting and supporting a safe, welcoming and professional environment for students in the School of Medicine and associated educational and clinical settings. If you feel you have experienced mistreatment or unprofessional behavior, there are a variety of ways to file a report.

Mistreatment may involve sexism, racism, harassment, discrimination, verbal abuse, or any other types of unprofessional behavior. Medical students can make anonymous, in-person, or phone reports of mistreatment or unprofessional behavior.

Resources Available to Medical Students

Contained below is information covering the following avenues of reporting: Student Listening PostOasis course, clerkship, elective and faculty evaluationsOffice of Educational AffairsJust Report It (JRI); and University Ombuds. If you believe you have experienced sexism, racism, harassment, discrimination, verbal abuse, or any other types of unprofessional behavior, please report it.