

Jonathan S. Black, MD, FACS | Program Director

Our  program is truly integrated; each rotation has been selected to provide the best possible foundation on which to build an education in plastic surgery. The Department of Plastic Surgery considers all applicants to its integrated program and participates with ERAS and the National Resident Matching Program. No additional documents are required beyond those specified in ERAS; please submit a minimum of three letters of reference.

For questions:

Please email our team at or by calling (434) 243-0456

Matthew Hamill, Education Assistant

Carla Cooks, Program Coordinator

Colleen McDowell, Director of Education

The University of Virginia integrated plastic surgery residency program is designed to provide a broad education in plastic surgery and its related sub specialties. Our goal is not only to train physicians to be eligible and qualified to become Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery but to provide communities with leaders in the field who are excellent clinicians.

Our program focuses on plastic surgery rotations each year of training.