
Research Highlights

UVA-Led Program Seeks to Broaden the Pool of STEM Researchers

For students in the VA-NC Alliance for Minority Participation, a summer research program at the University of Virginia showed them career paths in STEM fields they hadn’t considered before and…

Here’s How E. Coli Knows How to Make You Really Sick

A pair of School of Medicine scientists have revealed how E. coli seeks out the most oxygen-free crevices of your colon to cause the worst infection possible. The discovery could…

UVA Discovers Incredible ‘HULLK’ That Controls Growth, Aggressiveness of Prostate Cancer

Cancer researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have identified a key to controlling the growth and progression of prostate cancer, the second most common cancer in men. The researchers…

The Dudley Lab Looks at How Cancer Hijacks Wound Healing

This study suggests that tumors create their own blood supply to grow and spread. Researchers identified the processes within the cells that line the blood vessels that tumors use to…

Unhealthy Gut Promotes Spread of Breast Cancer, UVA Study Finds

Melanie Rutkowski, PhD, of UVA’s Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology, found that disrupting the microbiome of mice caused hormone receptor-positive breast cancer to become more aggressive. Altering the…

UVA Researcher Receives One of Science’s Highest Honors

The University of Virginia’s School of Medicine’s Edward H. Egelman has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors for a scientist. Egelman is Harrison…

The Secret Superpower That Makes C. Difficile So Deadly

A new discovery about dangerous C. difficile diarrhea has identified a new way that the bacteria — and possibly others like it — cause severe disease. C. diff is the most common hospital-acquired infection…