
Research Highlights

COVID-19: UVA Discovery Spurs Clinical Trial Of Antidepressant To Fight Virus

An antidepressant medication is being tested as a potential treatment for COVID-19 after University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers determined it may prevent dangerous overreactions by the immune system. Researchers…

Spinal Cord Injuries: UVA Scientists Probe Individual Cells To Find Better Treatments

Two top scientists at the University of Virginia School of Medicine are seeking answers to questions about spinal cord injuries that have long frustrated the development of effective treatments. The scientists,…

Brain Discovery Suggests Source of Lifelong Behavioral Issues

"When the damage isn’t recognized, the cells that have DNA damage live on in the CNS [central nervous system] and can be seen by accumulation of DNA damage in the…

UVA Identifies Surprising Contributor to Multiple Sclerosis

Cells that scientists have largely ignored when studying multiple sclerosis are actually key contributors to MS development, new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine shows. The discovery suggests…

UVA Professor’s Promising Cancer Drug Attracts $25 Million in Funding

UVA biomedical engineering professor Kimberly Kelly founded ZielBio to bring new cancer treatments to market. (Photo by Dan Addison, University Communications) In her previous post as an assistant professor at…

Pancreatic Cancer Discovery Reveals How the Aggressive Cancer Fuels its Growth

  A new discovery about pancreatic cancer sheds light on how the cancer fuels its growth and may help explain how promising cancer drugs work – and for whom they…

The Meat Allergy: UVA IDs Biological Changes Triggered by Tick Bites

The findings by UVA’s Loren Erickson, PhD, and his team offer important insights into why otherwise healthy people can enjoy meat all their lives until a hot slab of ground…