

IDEA-CancerIDEA-Cancer (Inflammation, Diversity, Energy imbalance, And Cancer) was formed to address prominent modifiable cancer risk factors, i.e., tobacco use and obesity, in our catchment area. The goal of the TRT is to provide a forum to increase discussion, inter-programmatic collaboration, and translational, multi-investigator projects to address these thematic topics as they relate to cancer. Led by Li Li, MD, PhD, MPH, workshops that include two speakers with complementary research interests related to the IDEA-Cancer theme are held every other month (third Thursday) and open to all UVACCC members. Each October, the IDEA-Cancer TRT issues an RFA for pilot awards to support initiatives related to modifiable cancer risk factors.


IDEA-Cancer (Inflammation, Disparities, Energy Imbalance and Cancer) addresses prominent modifiable cancer risk factors, i.e., tobacco use and obesity, in our catchment area.

Li, Li

Li Li, MD

IDEA-Cancer TRT Pilot Award

Deadline: Closed RFA to be released each October).
Contact: Please contact Li Li, MD, PhD ( with any questions and to discuss project alignment.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Karolina Ayres at to be added to the appropriate email list.