Summer Orientation
In mid-July, prior to entering the University of Virginia School of Medicine, GSP students engage in a multi-faceted, three week introductory course on generalist medicine. This course provides students with an overview of the Generalist Scholars Program, an introduction to the field of generalist medicine and exposure to current topics in primary care.
The session begins with two weeks of didactic and community-based learning experiences. Speakers from the School of Medicine and other parts of the University address a variety of issues and community representatives from social service agencies and health-related programs share their expertise. Through shadowing experiences students experience a variety of primary care settings including the local free clinic. Students also go on a tour of the local community and make site visits to select programs to learn about current problems and programs that address area needs.
During the summer course students are first introduced to the group community service experience in which they will engage throughout their first year. This service activity allows them to complete both GSP and School of Medicine course requirements.
During the third and final week students engage in fieldwork in various settings throughout the greater Charlottesville community. They shadow practicing primary care physicians and spend time at the local free clinic.
There is ample time for entering students to meet current GSP students and the GSP faculty. In this way they begin to integrate into the larger GSP community.
For the 2024 Summer Session Schedule, please click here.