
Category: Faculty

Porter, Kathleen J., Ph.D.


Kathleen Porter is a PhD-trained, registered dietitian whose research focuses on the implementation and effectiveness of evidenced-based health education programs as a means to reduce risk for preventive diseases, including…

Petroni, Gina R., Ph.D.


Gina R. Petroni, Ph.D., has been involved in the design, analysis and monitoring of clinical trials for more than 30 years.  Most of her experience has been in cancer clinical…

Patrie, James, M.S.


Professional Career Overview Since the inception of my professional career at the University of Virginia in July of 1997, I have had the opportunity as a biostatistical consultant to collaborate…

Pannone, Aaron F., Ph.D., M.S.


Aaron Pannone, PhD, MS is Director of the UVA MPH Program and an associate professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences in the School of Medicine at the University…

Novicoff, Wendy M., Ph.D.


Wendy M. Novicoff, Ph.D. is a Professor in Public Health Sciences, and is the program director for both the MS in Clinical Research program and the PHS Certificate program.  She…

Nayak, Uma, Ph.D.


Assistant Professor, Public Health Sciences Ph.D., Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswavidyalayam, India P.O. Box 800717 Tel: +1 434-982-3749 Fax: +1 434-982-1815 Email: UHW/MSB, Room 6111A Research Interests: Assist in design…

Mychaleckyj, Josyf C., M.A., Ph.D.


Professor Biomedical Informatics D.Phil., 1990, St. Anne's College, Oxford University, Theoretical Chemistry Tel: 1-434-982-1107 Fax: 1-434-924-8437 Email: jmychale@Virginia.EDU Health System West Complex Expertise: Statistical analysis of cohort and family-based genetic…

Miller, Clint L., Ph.D.


My laboratory's research focus involves the application of modern genomics to unravel complex human diseases. By integrating large-scale human genetic association data with multi-omic profiling and functional models, our work…

McMurry, Tim, Ph.D.


Dr. McMurry is an Associate Professor of Biostatistics with interests in biomechanical injury, car crashes, surgical outcomes, infectious disease, nonparametric statistics, and time series.  He has experience with Medicare and…

Marshall, Mary Faith, Ph.D., FCCM


Professor Department of Public Health Sciences Director, Program in Biomedical Ethics Ph.D., Religious Studies, University of Virginia Tel: 1-434-924-1934 Email: Links to More Information: Center for Biomedical Ethics and…