
Category: News

Like Running a Marathon


By Lisa Farr, M.Ed.  Director, Exercise Physiology Core Lab Interview with Christine Ibilibor, MD, M.SC Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men; it is less common in…

Better than Any Drug


By Lisa Farr, M.Ed, Director, Exercise Physiology Core Lab Interview with: Katie Love, MD Type 1 diabetes occurs when the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas are damaged through an…

Tempering the Storm


By Lisa Farr, M.Ed.   Director, Exercise Physiology Core Lab Interview with: Antonio Abbate, MD, PhD Ruth C. Heede Professor of Cardiology, UVA Cardiovascular Division We’ve come a long way in…

Lightening the Load


By Lisa Farr, M.Ed.   Director, Exercise Physiology Core Lab Interview with:  Christopher Kramer, MD, George A. Beller MD Distinguished Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine; Chief, Cardiovascular Division We know that athletes…

Fighting Parkinson’s with Fitness


By Lisa Farr, M.Ed.   Director, Exercise Physiology Core Lab Interview with:  Alex Dalrymple, MD, Department of Neurology When you hear the name Michael J Fox, your mind might jump to…

Protecting the Heart


By Lisa Farr, M.Ed.   Director, Exercise Physiology Core Lab Interview with Siddhartha Angadi, Ph.D., Department of Kinesiology, Curry School of Education, and Nathan Weeldreyer, MS, doctoral student, Kinesiology The good…

Optimizing Exercise for Post-Menopausal Women


By Lisa Farr, M.Ed.   Director, Exercise Physiology Core Lab Interview with Austin Hogwood, MS, doctoral candidate. The principal investigator of the study is Arthur Weltman, Ph.D, Professor. Austin is working…

The Hunger Hormone


By Lisa Farr, M.Ed.   Director, Exercise Physiology Core Lab Interview with doctoral candidate Kara Anderson and Arthur Weltman, Ph.D. Ghrelin gained fame as “the hunger hormone” after its discovery just…

When Walking Hurts….A LOT


By Lisa Farr, M.Ed.   Director, Exercise Physiology Core Lab Interview with Jason Allen, Ph.D, Professor, Kinesiology Department, Curry School of Education Joaquin de Zavallos, MS, doctoral student, Kinesiology, Curry School…

Adolescence is a Time of Rapid Change


By Lisa Farr, M.Ed.   Director, Exercise Physiology Core Lab Interview with Mark De Boer, MD, MSc, MCR, Department of Endocrinology Parents of pre-teens know that, overnight, it seems like their…