
David Leblang

Leblang, David

Contact Information

Telephone: 243-1574

Research Interests

Legal and illegal immigration into the United States

Research Description

I am working on a project examining the causes of legal and illegal immigration into the United States. My approach is largely statistical and I have been written and published papers focusing on global migration, the effect of migration on financial flows, the ways in which migrant flows influence public policies in Europe, and the nature of diaspora engagement policies on the part of a migrant’s home country. I am currently immersed in a project on the European refugee crisis.


The specific project I seek assistance with focuses on the different kinds of migrants that seek entry into the US via it’s Southern Border: legal migrants, illegal migrants, refugees, and unaccompanied minors. We will examine the push factors that lead individuals to choose to leave their countries of origin. The work will be highly empirical and statistical so data management abilities and some knowledge of statistical modeling is required. If you are interested, please contact David Leblang, Chair, Department of Politics, at

Selected Publications