Reidenbach, Matthew A.
Primary Appointment
Environmental Sciences
Contact Information
Office: 356 Clark Hall
Telephone: 434-243-4937
Email: reidenbach@virginia.edu
Website: http://www.faculty.virginia.edu/reidenbach/index.html
Research Disciplines
Environmental Sciences, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests
Environmental fluid dynamics; Transport and mixing in estuaries and coral reefs; Biomechanics of marine organisms; Coastal ecosystem resilience and shoreline protection
Research Description
My primary area of research is environmental fluid dynamics, with an emphasis on physical-biological interactions in coastal environments. Current research activities include the effects of flow and turbulence on nutrient exchange in coral reefs, sediment transport in estuaries, chemical dispersion in the coastal ocean, and wave dynamics.
My research also investigates coastal resilience. I explore how ecosystems such as coral reefs, seagrasses and oyster beds, both alter and respond to wave and storm impacts along coastlines. This has important implications to economic losses and the vulnerability of coastal communities to storms, flooding, and sea level rise.