
Third Year


During this year all University of Virginia School of Medicine students participate in the core clerkships. When their schedules permit, GSP students are encouraged to attend the GSP bi-weekly lunch meetings. Students continue to meet with their GSP mentor at least twice during this time period.

In preparation for their fourth year, students must register for the required fourth-year GSP elective: Mindfulness and Motivating Behavior Change.

Students meet with Dr. Kristen Wells, GSP Scholarship Coordinator, during the third year to make sure that they are on track with their scholarship project and address any outstanding issues that might interfere with meeting the completion deadline of March 1 of their final year. Students from all four years are expected to attend the GSP Scholarship Celebration event in May when graduating students present their scholarship projects.

Required Curriculum

During semesters 4 – 8 (Year 3 or Year 4) students are expected to complete one of the following and prepare a brief presentation (10 – 15 minutes) to the rest of the GSP community at a student-faculty lunch session:

  1. Read an article on a primary care related topic and write a 100-200 word review that summarizes the key points and conclusions. Submit the review to the GSP administrator via email to be shared with the GSP community.
  2. Compose and submit a letter to the editor on a topic related to primary care. Send a copy of your letter to the GSP administrator via email to be shared with the GSP community.
  3. Compose a written (300 – 500 words) reflection on a meaningful clinical experience. Submit a copy of the reflection to the GSP administrator via email to be shared with the GSP community.
  4. Select a primary care topic of interest and prepare a brief oral presentation (10 – 15 minutes) to be presented to the GSP community at a curricular lunch session.
  5. Propose and seek approval from the Program Director for an activity of similar scope and magnitude as the above that would be meaningful and appropriate to share with the GSP community.

If interested in pursuing an MPH degree, students apply for admission to the program during Semester 6 (spring semester of their clerkship year).  If admitted, a student will take off a year between their clerkship and final year of medical school to pursue the MPH degree.  They then return to the UVA School of Medicine and the Generalist Scholars Program upon completion of their MPH studies to complete their medical education.