
2017: Andrew Lam

October 20, 2015 by

I am a native of Virginia, born and raised in Fairfax County (although I did spend a large part of my childhood in San Diego). Having received a B.A. in Biology from the University of Virginia, I am also a “double Hoo.” I have always loved the life sciences, and in high school I began to consider a medical career as a way to apply my passion for biology toward serving people in a tangible and meaningful way. My specific interest in primary care developed when I shadowed and volunteered at the University Medical Associates (UMA) Clinic as a UVA undergraduate. On top of the variety of cases seen in general medicine, the unique emphases on longitudinal patient-physician relationships and preventive healthcare especially resonated with me. I truly believe that well-trained primary care physicians can play a leading role in improving public health and turning the tide of many growing illnesses such as obesity and coronary artery disease.

While medicine is certainly an important part of my life, I try to spend what spare time I have pursuing other passions and enjoying the people I love. For example, I am an active member of Portico Church, located near the Downtown mall. I frequently take advantage of Charlottesville’s natural resources and artistic culture by running, hiking, watching birds, and playing the violin. Some of my favorite intellectual challenges include learning foreign languages and teaching; I co-founded the medical school’s Medical Chinese Club and occasionally tutor undergraduate students.