

Information for Researchers

To help you find answers to your questions as quickly and easily as possible, we have grouped the FAQs according to our different target groups.


Jeffrey R. Martens, PhD
Senior Associate Dean for Research
Professor of Pharmacology

As Senior Associate Dean for Research, Dr. Martens oversees basic, clinical and translational research programs, centers and strategic initiatives; has joint (with the Senior Associate Dean for Education) oversight for the graduate student and MSTP programs; oversees new buildings and facilities for research and intramural funding mechanisms, leads strategic planning and implementation for research, and participates in strategic faculty recruitment and retention. With the Office of the VP for Research, he works to develop and promote cross-grounds efforts in biomedical sciences.

Assistant Dean for Research (Vacant)
For additional information and full job description.  Click Here

TO APPLY: Please email the following documents:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • One page statement of interest, research accomplishments and description of any administrative experience
  • Summary statement of your experience and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusivity.
  • The names and contact information of three references.

Applications that do not contain all required documents will not receive full consideration.

Please send all required documents to

Linda Duska

Linda R. Duska, MD, MPH
Associate Dean for Clinical Research
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology



Danny Burdine
Director of Research Operations


Information for Researchers

To help you find answers to your questions as quickly and easily as possible, we have grouped the FAQs according to our different target groups.



The Office for Research supports and promotes basic, clinical, and translational investigation in the School of Medicine (SOM) and facilitates research synergies across UVA by leading or participating in:

The office works closely with the SOM Office of Grants and Contracts, which helps faculty and administrators apply for and manage sponsored awards in support of the research and other scholarly activities of our investigator community.

School of Medicine Research Goals & Themes

Our overarching research goal is to stimulate biomedical discovery that betters the human condition.  A recent strategic planning process and the school’s Strategic Hiring Initiative have identified seven research themes that we wish to sustain and cultivate.  Each of these themes embraces investigations from foundational discovery to clinical trials and population studies.

  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular medicine
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Neurosciences
  • Organ transplant
  • Precision medicine
  • Regenerative medicine

We also identified five enabling disciplines that intersect with and support several of these areas of research:

  • Imaging
  • Outcomes/population sciences
  • Genomics/bioinformatics
  • Immunology
  • Infectious diseases/microbiology

We expect that new areas of investigation will occur at the intersections between these themes and disciplines.  Through strategic faculty hiring, partnerships with other UVA schools, and internal funding and training programs that emphasize collaborative and team science, we hope to increase cross-disciplinary research that spans basic to translational to clinical science, and effectively compete for national centers and multidisciplinary awards.