
McMurry, Tim, Ph.D.

Tim McMurry.JPG

Dr. McMurry is an Associate Professor of Biostatistics with interests in biomechanical injury, car crashes, surgical outcomes, infectious disease, nonparametric statistics, and time series.  He has experience with Medicare and SEER-Medicare data, the National Cancer Database, the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program, and the NASS-CDS, CISS, CIREN, and FARS automotive crash databases.  He has undergraduate degress in math and physics, and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, San Diego.

Dr. McMurry teaches the biostatistics sequence for the Department of Public Health Science’s MPH and MS-CR programs.

Department of Public Health Sciences
P.O. Box 800717
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0717
Tel: 1-434-924-8586
Fax: 1-434-243-5787
Old Med School, Room 3875

Research Interests:
Statistical analysis of car crash data, infectious disease, surgical outcomes, time series, nonparametric statistics, and statistical consulting.

Teaching Responsibilities:
PHS 7000, Biostatistics I
PHS 7001, Biostatistics  II

T. McMurry, D. Politis. iosmooth: Functions for smoothing with infinite order flat-top kernels. R package version 0.94, 2017.

Publications: See my Google Scholar page.