Dr. McMurry is an Associate Professor of Biostatistics with interests in biomechanical injury, car crashes, surgical outcomes, infectious disease, nonparametric statistics, and time series. He has experience with Medicare and SEER-Medicare data, the National Cancer Database, the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program, and the NASS-CDS, CISS, CIREN, and FARS automotive crash databases. He has undergraduate degress in math and physics, and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, San Diego.
Dr. McMurry teaches the biostatistics sequence for the Department of Public Health Science’s MPH and MS-CR programs.
Department of Public Health Sciences
P.O. Box 800717
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0717
Tel: 1-434-924-8586
Fax: 1-434-243-5787
Email: tmcmurry@virginia.edu
Old Med School, Room 3875
Research Interests:
Statistical analysis of car crash data, infectious disease, surgical outcomes, time series, nonparametric statistics, and statistical consulting.
Teaching Responsibilities:
PHS 7000, Biostatistics I
PHS 7001, Biostatistics II
T. McMurry, D. Politis. iosmooth: Functions for smoothing with infinite order flat-top kernels. R package version 0.94, 2017.
Publications: See my Google Scholar page.