
Get into WordPress — Project Plan

Migration of School of Medicine websites from Plone to WordPress

Prepared by Ray Nedzel, Webmaster, U.Va. School of Medicine, (updated May 11, 2015)


  • Stand up two LAMP Servers (prod and dev) with ITS including virtual hosts, Pubcookie/Netbadge protection and SSL.
  • Install and test WordPress instances as follows:
    • Multi-Network/Multi-Site WordPress instance (production)
    • Multi-Network/Multi-Site WordPress instance (development)
    • Multi-site instance for internal resources (Netbadge protected)
  • Create scalable, flexible WordPress Responsive Theme Framework for Basic Science Departments, Education, Administration, and Research based on the design for BIMS by Convoy.
  • Create custom WordPress plugins including:
    • Universal SOM top bar navigation with sitewide “Mega Menus”
    • Custom Search including in-page integration of UVA People Search and Google Search/WordPress search from a single query
    • Custom Footer settings for departmental information
  • With WDC coordinate manual and automatic replication of SOM Mega Menus.
  • Build the RFD in WordPress, integrating data from Curvita in nightly batch process.
  • Build responsive Newsletter WordPress theme.
  • Rollout first two news sites with static HTML newsletters (Medicine Matters and Kids Matter).
  • Rollout first newsletter site with automated RSS-driven MailChimp newsletter integration (Office of the Dean).
  • Work with UPG and SOM Finance to create and launch online Budget website to assist department administrators implement Clarity, including access-protected, embedded instructional videos hosted on Vimeo.
  • Completed 7 site migrations by End of Year with 1 additional site in development.


  • Build Clinical Research site out from scratch in new WordPress responsive theme.
  • Launch NEW Research Faculty Directory in WordPress including webservices via RSS and JSON for use by external site developers.
  • Build custom WordPress plugin allowing WordPress department sites to include RFD data within their web sites.
  • Build Pharmacology as the first domain-level department, allowing for quick creation sub-sites and labs within the department navigational scheme.
  • Completed 13 additional site migrations by End of the Year with 19 additional sites in development.

2015 – Q1

  • Finish migrating Basic Science Departments Currently in Plone.
  • Build new CentOS Virtual ITS Server for better permissions granting and security via Shibboleth.
  • Build New Homepage for testing.
  • Build responsive WordPress theme based on UVA Health look and feel for Clinical Departments.

2015 – Q2

  • Education sites moved to WordPress.
  • Surgery, Medicine, and Pediatrics — begin/test moving Clinical Departments.
  • Post and Hire Content Coordinators.

2015 – Q3

  • Migrate Administration and Research Areas of the site to WordPress.
  • Post and Hire Social Media Coordinator.
  • Revise content strategy, put on quarter by quarter calendar
  • Roll out new NEWS site, and new SOM HomePage.

2015 – Q4

  • Finish the Migration into WordPress.