
Gharai, Sean

October 26, 2017 by

Sean is a 4th year Biology major and Sociology minor at the University of Virginia. He is currently working as a UIP intern under Dr. Ingersoll primarily on the CARRII program set for launch in late 2014. His recent coursework and time spent working at a neurology clinic has led him to develop a keen interest in neuroscience and the endless opportunities the field presents. Additionally, his experience working with kids in academic, medical, and recreational settings has left him undecided on whether to pursue a medical career in pediatrics or neurology.

Sean is preparing to apply to medical school in 2015 and looks to use his gap year following graduation to work as a medical scribe in the Northern Virginia area. He enjoys traveling to tropical destinations and relaxing on white sand beaches every chance he gets. His passion outside of school involves following the NBA and being the biggest Washington Wizards fan alive.