
Feasibility and reliability of interactive voice response assessment of HIV medication adherence: research and clinical implications

October 20, 2017 by School of Medicine Webmaster

Background: There are well-documented negative consequences of nonadherence to HIV medications. Telephone-based interactive voice response (IVR) technologies may hold promise for assessing nonadherence in both research and clinical contexts; however, little psychometric research has been conducted on this topic.Objective: In the present pilot study, we test the feasibility and reliability of a simplified patient-initiated, daily IVR system with a convenience sample of HIV patients attending a university-affiliated infectious disease clinic.Methods: Participants were asked to call in to an IVR system to report adherence daily during 2 weeks of a larger prospective study. Response rates and patterns were analyzed for feasibility and compared to retrospective, self-report timeline follow-back (TLFB) adherence reporting.Results: The IVR protocol showed moderate feasibility, with participants reporting adherence behavior on 63.4% of days. However, agreement with TLFB data was low, particularly for days in which participants reported incomplete adherence.Conclusions: The IVR protocol tested in the current trial shows some promise. Completion rates were higher than in previous trials. Future research is needed to further enhance the feasibility of IVR for HIV medication adherence and to compare responses to more objective measures on HIV adherence.