
Young, Daniel

October 26, 2017 by

Daniel is a 4th year psychology major at the University of Virginia. A UIP internship led him to spend his 4th year working under researchers Dr. Karen Ingersoll and Avi Hosseinbor. The main project he has been working on examines whether text message intervention can increase medication adherence in HIV patients. His post-graduation plan is to attend medical school, although he is unsure what specialty he will pursue. Although he enjoys learning about how the human body works in nitty-gritty detail (particularly the brain), studying/contemplating the complexities of human behavior, e.g. why we love, why we hate, why do we emotionally invest ourselves in following sports teams, is his biggest interest. Outside of working, preparing for the medical school application process, and marveling at human existence, he spends entirely too much of his free time following sports teams, especially UVA football and basketball.