
SOMOGC Updates – July 2020

July 14, 2020 by

July 2020 SOMOGC Updates / Research Admin Check-In Meeting Roundup

Internal Updates


  • The Deadline Policy is still in effect for ALL applications and other transaction types. We are trying to be flexible with COVID-related applications that may require quick turnarounds, but that does not mean that the deadline policy does not apply to them.  Additionally, all “Related Documents” (see definition in policy link below), including eSPARs, SP30s, RPPRs, JITs, etc, require at least a five-business-day lead time for review/submission.  Please feel free to include a requested deadline on eSPARs, SP30s, etc when sending them to our office that is at least five business days from the date of submission.


  • RG requests should now be submitted via the eSPAR using the “Internal Budget Transfer” transaction type
    • Please include the completed RG Request form as an attachment, but signatures can be obtained via the eSPAR instead of the PDF form
    • As always, please provide an explanation for any balance over 25% and/or missing PI/Senior-Key Personnel effort (this will be checked against the original budget)


  • OSP has finalized the new Consortium Commitment Form (CCF) and Subaward Request Form (SP30)
  • Documentation required for clinical trial/budget amendments (eSPAR “Other Sponsor Prior Approval” transaction type):
    • For changes due to a protocol amendment, please include a copy of the latest protocol version and an updated IRB approval acknowledging the protocol amendment
    • If any patient-related/procedural costs change due to the protocol amendment and a budget amendment is required, an updated Study Billing Coverage Analysis (SBCA) should be submitted. SBCAs are not required for changes to non-patient/procedural costs (e.g. IRB fees, F&A changes, storage fees, etc)


  • COVID Financial Tracking is coming!
    • OSP is working on an app to help track COVID-related idle time for grant-funded personnel
    • Be sure to document and track ALL COVID-related expenses charged to sponsored awards as future audits will likely require this information. OSP will provide further guidance as available.




  • The SOM Research Administration training resource is now available on the iTHRIV portal!
    • [choose your institution > Learn > Training Resources > Research Admins]
      • The first section completed includes orientation and onboarding materials for new SOM Research Administrators
      • Sections will be added to complete the life-cycle of a research award. Next up:  Pre-Award/Proposal Preparation
      • Please send suggestions, comments, and feedback to Kayla Calvo



NIH/External Updates


  • Per NOT-OD-20-128 – As of July 25, 2020, NIH will require all Administrative Supplement applications to be submitted via ASSIST and will discontinue the streamlined submission module in eRA Commons


  • Per NOT-OD-20-060 – NIH plans to discontinue the Continuous Submission privilege for reviewers with “substantial service”
    • Reviewers who are currently eligible for continuous submission through Recent Substantial Service will remain eligible through the end of their term on September 30, 2020.
    • Reviewers who earn eligibility for continuous submission through Recent Substantial Service during the period January 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020, will be eligible from August 1, 2020, through September 30, 2021.
    • No reviewers will subsequently earn or be granted continuous submission eligibility due to Recent Substantial Service.


Download the update document here