Vice President for Research - The Office of the Vice President for Research (VPR) is responsible for the strategic vision for research, developing and executing initiatives to accomplish the vision, as well as the various compliance and support areas. The VPR works to catalyze, support and safeguard UVA research. |
Office of Sponsored Programs - The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides leadership in research administration, support the research endeavors of University faculty, ensures the responsible stewardship of research funding, and oversees the submission of proposals and the negotiation and acceptance of awards by the University according to State, University, and sponsor regulations.
Corporate Relations - UVA Corporate Relations is the launchpad for collaborations between the university and companies of all kinds. Whether connecting prospective employers with students and graduates, linking research with sponsored projects or technology licensing, exploring corporate use of state-of-the-art facilities, or offering visibility through event sponsorships, there are ample opportunities for engagement. |
Licensing & Ventures Group - The Licensing & Ventures Group (LVG) partners with faculty, entrepreneurs, and investors to bring innovations discovered at UVA into the marketplace. |
SOM Office for Research - The Office for Research supports and promotes basic, clinical, and translational investigation in the School of Medicine and facilitates research synergies across UVA. |
SOM Clinical Trials Office - The Clinical Trials Office (CTO) offers consulting services to the SOM, including CRC mentoring, protocol development and preparation, continuing education, monitoring, and quality assurance. |
Animal Subjects - The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) oversees the appropriate care, use, and humane treatment of all animal subjects being used for research, testing, and education, and ensures that all animal research is conducted in full compliance with all relevant federal, state, and institutional regulations and policies.
Controlled Substances - The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is responsible for reviewing all research involving the use of biological agents (including microorganisms, recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules research, materials derived from human and non-human primates, or biological toxins). The Committee ensures that the University meets federal, state, and institutional requirements for the possession, use, and transfer of select agents and toxins.
Environmental Health and Safety - The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) maintains comprehensive programs for the management of potential hazards (including bloodborne pathogens, radiation, hazardous chemicals, and other biological materials) that may be encountered during research activities. The Office of Environmental Health and Safety serves as the University’s liaison with external regulatory agencies, monitors compliance with current health and safety policies, and provides information on training requirements. |
Human Subjects (Medical) - The Institutional Review Board for Health Sciences Research (IRB-HSR) is responsible for reviewing and approving all medically-related research involving human subjects and ensuring that the University upholds all federal, state, and institutional ethical and regulatory requirements for this research.
Human Subjects (Non-Medical) - The Institutional Review Board for the Social and Behavioral Sciences (IRB-SBS) is the IRB responsible for reviewing all non-medical behavioral human subject research (studies which are considered medically non-invasive) for compliance with federal-, state-, and institutionally-mandated research guidelines.
Export Controls - The Office of Export Controls is responsible for ensuring University compliance with Federal export control regulations: International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) - Department of State; Export Administration Regulations (EAR) – Department of Commerce; and Embargoes and Trade Sanction Regulations – Department of Treasury. The Office of Export Controls is the University’s principal point of contact for agencies with regulatory or enforcement authority under the export control regulations. |
Records Management - The Office of Records Management (ORM) is responsible for identifying, classifying, storing, securing, retrieving, tracking, and destroying or permanently preserving University of Virginia records in accordance with state, federal, and international laws pertaining to records retention, privacy, and other regulations. |
Research Computing - The Office of Research Computing is a support team whose mission is to empower researchers to achieve more through the use of cutting-edge computational resources. They strive to create innovative solutions for researchers who need help solving complex optimization, parallelization, workflow, and data analysis issues. |
Research Core Facilities - The Office of Research Core Administration (ORCA) provides UVA researchers with access to state-of-the-art instrumentation, technology and scientific expertise for the communal advantage of the institution’s investigators so that they can effectively carry out the research mission of the university. |