
Event Semester: Fall 2019

Title: Manipulating Macrophage Signaling


Speaker: Dr. Meghan Morrissey Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco   Host: Dr. Anne Kenworthy

Event Categories: Archive

Title: “Microtubule Networks and Organization of the Cytoplasm”


Speaker: Dr. Irina Kaverina Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology Vanderbilt University Host: Dr. Anne Kenworthy

Event Categories: Archive

A dynamic single molecule view of genome activation during early embryonic development


Speaker: Dr. Mustafa Mir Postdoctoral ResearcherDepartment of Molecular and Cell BiologyUniversity of California, Berkeley Host: Dr. Anne Kenworthy

Event Categories: Archive

Molecular Engineering for Live Cell Imaging and Reprogramming toward Cancer Immunotherapy


Speaker: Dr. Peter Yingxiao Wang Professor of BioengineeringDepartment of BioengineeringInstitute of Engineering in MedicineUniversity of California, San Diego Host: Dr. Huiwang Ai

Event Categories: Archive