
Integrative Learning Experience

MPH students complete an integrative learning experience (ILE) that demonstrates synthesis of foundational and concentration competencies. Students in consultation with faculty select foundational and concentration-specific competencies appropriate to the student’s educational and professional goals.

Your ILE final project is on a topic of your choosing and includes work undertaken in 3 MPH required courses:

  1. Methods course –to learn the methodology appropriate for your project; methods courses are noted in the course listing below.
  2. PHS 8880 or 8881 ILEPart 1 (Project) – to conduct and complete your project under the direction of a methods faculty advisor
  3. PHS 8930 or 8931 ILE Part 2 (Seminar)– to integrate competencies on Professionalism and Leadership in Public Health


  1. Methods courses (see course listing)

You may use any one of a variety of methodologies for your final project:

economic analysis, policy analysis, geospatial/GIS analysis, program evaluation, health care quality assessment, qualitative analysis, health impact analysis, quantitative analysis

  1. During the same semester or the semester after you take the Methods course, you will begin your ILE project, under the guidance of the faculty member with expertise in your chosen methodology.  You’ll choose your topic, conduct a literature review and write an annotated bibliography, identify your question and choose a data source, formulate an analysis plan, analyze the data, and create appropriate results output (e.g. tables, graphs, and/or maps).PHS 8880 or 8881 ILE Part 1 (Project): 

Depending on your particular project, completion of your ILE project may require one or two semesters.

By the end of your final semester, in order to graduate, you must have completed the following for your ILE project:

  • Completing your Final Paper. The format of the paper will depend on the project and will be determined by the student in consultation with their ILE faculty.
  • Preparing and presenting a brief Professional Oral Presentation, as for a conference; and
  • Preparing and presenting a Poster for the MPH Poster Presentation Session, held at the end of each semester for graduating students.


  1. PHS 8930 or 8931 ILE Part 2 (Seminar):

Students explore and integrate the foundational knowledge, competencies, and values embedded in “being” a public health professional and leader.  Each student, drawing on their applied practice experiences and ILE 1 project in particular, will integrate competencies supportive of the contributions they hope to make in their unique career paths.