
Applied Practice (AP) Experience

MPH students demonstrate competency attainment through applied practice experiences.  The program assesses each student’s competency attainment in practical and applied settings through a portfolio approach, which demonstrates and allows assessment of competency attainment. It must include at least two products. Examples include written assignments, projects, videos, multi-media presentations, spreadsheets, websites, posters, photos or other digital artifacts of learning.

The UVa MPH Program takes an individualized approach to supporting students in Applied Practice (AP) experiences as students identify opportunities, engage in experiences, develop products, and attain competencies. AP experiences are tailored to the particular foundational and concentration-specific competencies each student chooses to achieve by graduation from the MPH program.

AP Experience Expectation

Students must produce a minimum of two work products that are useful to the community partner and demonstrate the attainment of a minimum of five competencies, at least three of which being foundational. Students must also submit all AP forms.

If a student chooses to complete an Applied Practice experience in or around Charlottesville, students are required to work with the AP Experience Coordinator to identify an appropriate local organization, based on the organization’s needs and the interests of the student.

For Applied Practice experiences at sites outside of Charlottesville, students are encouraged to explore available internships and/or organizations of interest to them, in consultation with the AP Experience Coordinator, and take the lead in securing a placement on their own.

Classroom preparation for Applied Practice Experiences

All students are required to prepare for applied practice experiences in classroom sessions.  Sessions include a focus on principles of respectful community engagement and professionalism.  For a few applied practice experiences, additional coursework prepares students with specific skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to the partner organization.