
Politis, George, D., MD, MPH

August 30, 2017 by

About half of the trips Dr. Politis takes are short term (7-12 days) projects that primarily involve clinical work. The other half are long term (2-3 weeks) educational projects in Jimma, Ethiopia. UVA residents are involved in both these short and long term projects.


Global Health Field Work:

Operation Smile

  • Managua, Nicaragua, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2017
  • Lincang, China, 2016
  • Tamatave, Madagascar, 2015,  Anesthesia Team Leader
  • Ecuador
    • Santo Domingo, 2015
    • Manta, 2002, Anesthesia Team Leader
    • Cuenca, 2000, Anesthesia Team Leader
    • Machala, 1998-1999 (Anesthesia Team Leader)
  • San Cristobal de Las Casas, Mexico, Team, Leader 2010
  • Yangon, Myanmar, 2013, Anesthesia Team Leader
  • India
    • Guwahati, 2012 (2 trips; May & December)
    • Jamshedpur, 2008, Anesthesia Team Leader
  • Fond Parisien, Haiti, 2010, Post Earthquake Relief
  • Meknes, Morocco, 2005, Anesthesia Team Leader
  • Ethiopia
    • Jimma, 2006, Anesthesia Team Leader; 2015-18, Teaching Rotation; 2018, SAFE Pediatric Anesthesia Course, Instructor
    • Addis Ababa, 2005
  • Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 2002, Anesthesia Team Leader
  • Bangkok, Thailand, 1997

Cross Connection

  • Chalatenango, El Salvador, 1994


Global Health Leadership:

  • Global Health Leadership Track (Anesthesiology):
    • Co-director, 2018-present
  • Operation Smile in Madagascar, Field Medical Director, 2015
  • Operation Smile in  Mexico, Field Medical Director, 2014
  • Operation Smile in India, Field Medical Director


Global Health Committee Work:

  • Research with Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Special Pathogens Division: 1985
    • Meningococcal vaccine efficacy study, Katmandu, Nepal
  • Society for Pediatric Anesthesia Committee for International Education and Service: 1998-present. Committee Chair 2007-2013.
  • Operation Smile Anesthesia Council: 2000-present. Chair 2013-present
  • Planning Committee for Society for Pediatric Anesthesia’s International Assembly of Pediatric Anesthesiology: 2010-2012
  • Operation Smile Quality Improvement Committee: 2013-present
  • Operation Smile Medical Oversight Committee: 2013-present
  • Anesthesiology Liaison to Volunteers in Plastic Surgery (a committee of the Plastic Surgery Education Foundation) 2013-2016
  • Collaborative work with U of Michigan and Emory University to design and implement a weekly telemedicine lecture program that supplements curriculum for all 3 anesthesiology residency training programs in Ethiopia.


Global Health Publications:

Politis GD. Pediatric Ambulatory Anesthesia. In: Gregory GA, Andropoulos DB, eds. Anesthesia Care of Pediatric Patients in Developing Countries. San Francisco: George A. Gregory (Publisher), 2015

Politis GD. Anesthesia for Surgical Mission. Davis P, Cladis F, & Motoyama E, eds. Smith’s Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 9th ed.: Elsevier, 2017

Fisher QA, Politis GD, Tobias JD, et al. Pediatric Anesthesia for Voluntary Services Abroad. Anesth Analg 2002, 95:336-50.

Politis GD, Brill J, Jones J: Use of Low Dose Rocuronium for Intubation of Children During Volunteer Surgery Abroad. Pediatric Anesthesia 2005, 15:648-52

Politis, GD, Schneider WJ, Van Beek AL, Gosain A, Migliori MR, Gregory GA, Fisher QA, Randall  Flick R: Guidelines for  Pediatric Perioperative Care During Short-Term Plastic Reconstructive  Surgical   Projects  in  Less  Developed  Nations. Anesth Anal 2011, 122:183-90

Schneider WJ, Politis GD, Gosain A, Migliori MR, Cullington JR, Peterson EL, Corlew DS, Wexler AM, Flick R, Van Beek AL: Volunteers in Plastic Surgery Guidelines for Providing Surgical Care for Children in the Less Developed World. Plast Reconstr Surg 2011, 127:2477-86

Politis GD: The Society for Pediatric Anesthesia’s Committee on International Education and Service. SPA News, Fall 2012, Volume 25, Number 4 (SPA Newsletter publication)

Politis GD. “Laryngospasm and Other Pediatric Airway Events”. Placed in SPA Committee on International Education and Service Peer Reviewed Lecture Library, 2013.

Butler, M, Drum E, Evans F, …Politis G….: Guidelines and checklists for short-term missions in global pediatric surgery: Recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics Delivery of Surgical Care Global Health Subcommittee, American Pediatric Surgical Association Global Pediatric Surgery Committee, Society for Pediatric Anesthesia Committee on International Education and Service, and American Pediatric Surgical Nurses Association, Inc. Global Health Special Interest Group. Journal of Pediatric Surgery (in press)


Invited Speaking Engagements on Global Health, National and International:

  • Society for Pediatric Anesthesia 10th Winter Meeting, “Administration of intravenous low dose rocuronium during volunteer surgical services abroad: Effect on muscle relaxation and return of spontaneous ventilation.” Ft. Myers, Florida, February 26, 2003.
  • World Congress of Anesthesiology 2004 Meeting, “Low dose rocuronium during volunteer surgery abroad.” Oral presentation at scientific session, Paris, France, April 20, 2004.
  • Society for Pediatric Anesthesia 11th Winter Meeting, “Anesthesia on a shoestring: Pulling it Up by the Bootstraps.” Lecture on anesthesia during surgical missions abroad, Phoenix, Arizona, March 7, 2004.
  • Society for Pediatric Anesthesia 15th Winter Meeting. Co-chair of workshop “Medicine Beyond the Boarders.” Phoenix, Arizona, March 2007.
  • The University of Virginia Department of Anesthesiology 2007 Biennial Symposium: “Anesthesia for Missions in the Developing World”, Wintergreen Resort, Wintergreen, Virginia, May 2007.
  • Society for Pediatric Anesthesia Fall Meeting: “SPA Safety Initiatives for Anesthesia Practice in Low-Middle Income Countries: Guidelines for Short Term Surgical Programs”, San Diego, California, October 2010.
  • Burden of Surgical Disease Working Group/ ASAP Now, Invited panel member on panel titled “Haiti: Challenges and Rewards of Surgical Delivery Post-Earthquake,” Nashville, Tennessee, April 2010
  • Society for Pediatric Anesthesiology 18th Winter/Spring Meeting, Workshop Director, “Anesthesia for Short Term Surgical Projects,” San Diego, California, April 2011.
  • Operation Smile Resident Leadership Conference 2012, “Operation Smile: A Work in Progress. Taking the Leap to Serve,” Virginia Beach, Virginia, April 21, 2012
  • American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting 2012, Moderator/Speaker for Point-Counterpoint session titled, “How Can We Best Educate and Collaborate with Anesthesiology Colleagues in Underdeveloped Nations?” Other speakers: George Gregory & Mark Singleton, Washington, DC, October 2012.
  • Society for Pediatric Anesthesiology 21st Winter/Spring Meeting, Workshop Director, “Practicing Pediatric Anesthesia During Surgical Missions,” Los Vegas, Nevada, April 2013.
  • Operation Smile Resident Leadership Conference 2013, “Challenging Situation During Mission Anesthesia: Case Based Discussions”, Virginia Beach, Virginia, April 2013.
  • University of California Davis, Department of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, “Challenges in Providing Quality Care During Short Term Surgical Missions in Low Resource Countries”, Sacramento, California, October 2013
  • American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting 2016, presented “The Role of NGOs in Improving Pediatric Anesthesia in the Developing World” as part of a session titled “Pediatric Anesthesia in the Developing World: How Can We Make It Better”, Washington, DC, October 2016.