


The BTRF performs immunohistochemistry (IHC) on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue and on OCT-embedded frozen tissue. IHC can also be performed on tissue microarrays (TMAs) and on cytology preparations. Currently the BTRF supports IHC on human and mouse tissues. Inquire for IHC to be performed on tissue from other species.

The BTRF maintains a core panel of IHC stains. Investigators will be charged on a “per slide” basis for these assays.

  • To download a current list of core IHC stains​, click here
  • To download an IHC order form, click here.

For IHC stains not on the core list, the investigator must provide the antibody(ies). The BTRF provides all secondary and detection reagents.  A “work up” charge is applied for the titration of all new antibodies. The investigator should also determine a positive control tissue. The BTRF can obtain specific human tissues to be used as controls. Cell culture preparations may also be used as positive and/or negative controls, although they may not be as informative for non-specific staining as tissue sections. For a protocol on preparing tissue culture cells for paraffin embedding, please click here.

The BTRF will entertain adding immunohistochemical stains to the core list if an assay will be used routinely by more than one investigator. Please contact us to discuss the addition of such assays.

Please feel free to schedule an appointment with the Director of the BTRF to discuss your specific requirements. For limited projects, or for initial model characterization, the BTRF can provide consultation services with a faculty Pathologist for histology interpretation.

PLEASE NOTE: IHC is the among the most demanding of techniques utilizing antibodies, and many antibodies either fail to detect antigens in tissue, or have too high a degree of non-specific staining to be useful. We will investigate several different protocols to optimize staining, but the BTRF cannot guarantee successful results with every new antibody. It is best to obtain an antibody that has been previously validated to work in IHC. One excellent resource is the Human Protein Atlas.