
What is BIMS?

Student using hands to describe scientific poster at Graduate Biosciences Society annual Symposium poster session.

We Invite You to Apply!

We seek students who are looking for a rigorous, innovative PhD training program; students who want to be a part of cutting-edge biomedical research in a rich scientific community; and students who aspire to become leaders in academia, industry, government, and science education.

Check Back September 1

Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (BIMS) at UVA is a vibrant interdisciplinary graduate program committed to training PhD candidates in becoming the next generation of scientific leaders. We achieve this goal through an immersive curriculum designed to provide students with fundamental scientific skills and exceptional research training.

The BIMS program provides students with the flexibility to tailor an independent program of didactic coursework toward their developing research interests. In parallel, we offer students a broad spectrum of research opportunities, provided in partnership with the School of Medicine, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Virginia.

Through these opportunities, BIMS students have an opportunity to train under world-renowned scientists who are committed not only to scientific discovery, but also to mentoring and teaching.



We Invite You to Apply!

We seek students who are looking for a rigorous, innovative PhD training program; students who want to be a part of cutting-edge biomedical research in a rich scientific community; and students who aspire to become leaders in academia, industry, government, and science education.

Check Back September 1

The BIMS graduate program integrates four educational elements to providing rigorous training to students in the biomedical sciences: