
J. Brooks Becton, MD

Undergraduate: University of Southern Mississippi
Medical School: University of Mississippi School of Medicine

Interests: Fishing, cooking, piano, and dendrology

I am Brooks Becton, a Child Neurology resident here at UVA. I am Mississippi native and spent 17 years in the Hospitality State. I chose to pursue a career in Child Neurology because I love working with the Special Needs population and because my brother had seizures as a small child. I chose UVA because the people–from attendings to medical students– seemed as genuine as they come (plus I fell in love Charlottesville in the first day I was there!). UVA felt like a place where I could be a name and not a number–a place where collegiality was held much higher than your classification as a student, resident, or attending! In my spare time, I enjoy fishing, playing piano, and dendrology (tree identification and classification).