
About Our Program

Resident Education

Resident education is at the heart of the University of Virginia Pediatrics Residency Program. During your three years of training, you will learn the art and science of clinical medicine, be challenged beyond what you think you can accomplish, and emerge as a highly skilled and competent pediatrician. At UVA, you will learn from some of the best and brightest faculty in the country, collaborate closely with resident colleagues, and benefit from daily didactic sessions and board preparation opportunities. Our program prepares residents to practice in general pediatrics as well as pursue subspecialty fellowship training, and we regularly have a close to 100% board pass rate year after year.


Collaboration, Autonomy, and Learning to Teach

residents in a conference roomWe believe that to grow as a medical practitioner, you as a resident need to be directly responsible for providing children and families with compassionate, effective care while having appropriate, on-site supervision at all times. Even when children are seen and cared for by subspecialists, you will maintain primary responsibility for the care of that child, all the while benefiting from strong, collaborative relationships with attending physicians in the Department of Pediatrics and other medical and surgical subspecialties. To help develop teaching skills, our program has two PL-4 Chief Residents who join PL-3 residents in teaching and supervising interns. PL-2 residents spend a significant portion of their time in subspecialty electives.


A Blend of General and Subspecialty Pediatrics

At the University of Virginia Children’s Hospital, your residency training is designed to be an outstanding balance between general pediatrics and pediatric subspecialties, including clinical and basic research. The result will give you confidence as a general practitioner as well as a strong background should you choose to pursue a specialization or a career in academics. Every morning you will gather with other residents for thirty minutes to meet with the faculty and discuss interesting patients. During the lunch-hour teaching conferences, you will hear presentations from a wide spectrum of subspecialties. Both of these opportunities enable you to receive the maximum educational experience from a majority of the faculty.