

The Department has helped train anesthesia technicians in Malawi under sponsorship of Health Volunteers Overseas and the Society for Education in Anesthesia. One of our residents, Dr. Christina Hayhurst, applied for and received a Traveling Fellowship from these groups, and with Dr. Durieux as accompanying faculty member spent a month at Queen Elizabeth General Hospital, in the south of the country.

The team did several days of refresher course lectures for a large proportion of the country’s anesthesia technicians, who traveled to Blantyre for the event, and then spent the remainder of the month teaching didactically, in the operating rooms and in the ICU.

A blog of their trip is here.


Cyril explains the Glostavent Christina watches the patient Malawi -light by candle Malawi - Lake Malawi Malawi - Domwe Island Malawi - fishing
Dr. Hayhurst watches a ventilated patient in the high-dependency ward of Chiradzulu District Hospital