
Kristina Michaud, D.O.

University of Virginia Anesthesiology resident, Kristina Michaud, DO

Kristina Michaud, D.O., Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine

Hometown: San Diego, CA

Undergraduate School: University of Maryland

Medical School: VCOM-VA

Hobbies/Outside Interests: Cycling, traveling, cooking, reading, hot yoga, trying new wineries/breweries and ethnic restaurants!

Favorite things about/to do/to eat in Charlottesville: Charlottesville is a beautiful and fun town. It is small and quaint, not so much like a big city. I’ve enjoyed trying the restaurants (Tavola and Little Star, as examples!) and wineries around (King Family is my personal favorite)! I have unfortunately not explored the hiking yet but I hear great things!

Why did you choose UVA? Simply put, UVA felt like a family from day one. My interview day was such an amazing overall experience so I knew right away that I didn’t want to be anywhere but UVA.

Anesthesiology Interests: Pain Management or Cardiothoracic

Favorite Rotation: This is hard! I’ve really loved several of my rotations including APS, regional, OB and so on. I don’t know that I can pick a favorite rotation.