
International Case Teleconferences

We organize a monthly case teleconference between our department and the Departments of Anesthesiology at the University of Rwanda and Jimma University in Ethiopia. Alternating by month, each side presents an interesting case for discussion. The teleconference is moderated by faculty on both sides, and residents and students can participate or present a case.

These case conferences are held in the UVA Karen Rheuban Telemedicine Center located between Pinn Hall and the main Hospital on the first floor.

Since training in global health is not a part of the prescribed curriculum of the American Board of Anesthesiology, we have to fit these various opportunities into the existing schedule. For example, case conferences with Rwanda and Jimma happen at 9am EST, a time that many residents may not be able to participate because of clinical duties. But if we know of someone’s interest, we will make an effort to have them be available. Similarly, call commitments may interfere with some of the GHLT journal clubs and dinners, but our Program Directors and Chief Residents try hard to have our GHLT participants be available to participate in these opportunities.