
Recently Promoted & Tenured Faculty

Congratulations to all of the newly promoted and tenured faculty on their hard work and excellence, which has been recognized by the SOM Promotion and Tenure Committee and the Board of Visitors. In the 2023-2024, there were 38 promotions to Associate Professor, 26 promotions to Professor, and 21 faculty were awarded tenure.

The Office of Faculty Affairs manages all promotion and tenure actions at the School level for both regular cycle actions and expedited reviews. The promotion and tenure process spans 18 months and concludes with the Board of Visitors approval of recommended faculty. In-cycle P&T approvals are effective July 1.

For more information:

2022-2023 Faculty Promoted & Tenured

In 2022-2023, there were 56 promotions to Associate Professor, 27 promotions to Professor, and 17 faculty were awarded tenure.

2021-2022 Faculty Promoted & Tenured

In 2021-2022, there were 53 promotions to Associate Professor, 36 promotions to Professor, and 14 faculty were awarded tenure.