
Clinician Educator

Clinician Educator

Criteria for appointment, promotion, and the award of tenure; tenure-eligible

Assistant Professor

A doctoral degree (Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent) with successful completion of a postgraduate training program; ABMS board certification or equivalent (e.g. Royal College) or board eligibility in a clinical discipline or the equivalent for non-M.D. specialists; and a major commitment to teaching and clinical service. Time allocation: at least 80% time devoted to patient care and/or medical education.

Associate Professor

A doctoral degree (Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent) with successful completion of a postgraduate training program; ABMS board certification or equivalent (e.g. Royal College) in a clinical discipline.

Documented excellence in patient care or education:

  • Patient care: Clinical skills, innovations, research and/or programs that are locally and/or regionally distinctive; programs that measurably improve patient outcomes. Recognition through formal awards. Documentation of performance metrics should be provided.
  • Education: Excellence in training, teaching, and advising of undergraduate, medical or graduate students, residents, clinical or postdoctoral research fellows, or colleagues; as evidenced by teaching evaluations and recognition through formal awards, election to honorary educational societies, invited lectures and symposia, and participation in workshops, professional society programs and Continuing Medical Education courses.

Scholarship: Published scholarship is required. Original studies, preferably as first or corresponding author, clinical observations, case series or reviews in peer-reviewed journals; textbooks or chapters; and teaching materials. Local and regional impact on a clinical field or an area of education, evidenced by dissemination of innovative and/or original work in the mission area.

Reputation: Local and regional reputation as an excellent clinician/consultant, clinical researcher or outstanding teacher supported by letters from internal and external referees.  Exemplary demonstration of the UVa Health System’s ASPIRE values.

Service: Contribution in service to the department, School of Medicine, Health System, University, and/or to professional boards and organizations.

The Award of Tenure

ABMS Board certification in primary specialty or discipline, or equivalent for non-MD specialties, is required.

Documented excellence in two domains:

  • Patient care: Clinical skills, innovations, research and/or programs that are locally and/or regionally distinctive; programs that measurably improve patient outcomes. Recognition through formal awards. Documentation of performance metrics should be provided.
  • Education: Continued excellence in training, teaching, and advising of undergraduate, medical or graduate students, residents, clinical or postdoctoral research fellows, or colleagues; as evidenced by teaching evaluations and recognition through formal awards, election to honorary educational societies, invited lectures and symposia, and participation in workshops, professional society programs, and/or Continuing Medical Education courses.
  • Research: Excellence may be achieved as an independent investigator (1); and/or a team/collaborative scientist (2)
    • 1. Independent and original investigation recognized by peers and sustained external funding as Principle investigator (PI) or Multi-Principal Investigator (MPI) with substantial effort and funding (for example, NIH, NSF, AHA, ACS or other national level grant, including the award of a project in a Program Project Grant).
    • 2. Substantial and critical contributions in team or collaborative science projects recognized by peers (with substantial funded effort) on external grants. Development of intellectual property and participation or leadership in clinical trials is also recognized.

Scholarship: Publications, preferably as first or corresponding author of original studies, clinical observations, case series or reviews in peer-reviewed journals; books or chapters; and teaching materials. Editorship of textbooks. Emerging national impact on a clinical field or an area of education, evidenced by dissemination of innovative and/or original work in the mission area.

Reputation: Emerging national reputation as a clinician educator, supported by letters from external referees and as indicated by: invited lectureships, service on grant review panels, editorial boards of journals recognized in the faculty member’s field, or national/international advising boards, service as board examiner, or leadership in professional society governing boards.  Exemplary demonstration of the UVa Health System’s ASPIRE values.

Service: Contribution in service to the department, School of Medicine, Health System, University, and/or to professional boards and organizations.


ABMS Board certification in primary specialty or discipline, or equivalent for non-MD specialties, is required.

Sustained excellence in two domains:

  • Patient care: Clinical skills, innovations, research and/or programs that are locally and/or regionally distinctive; programs that measurably improve patient outcomes. Recognition through formal awards. Documentation of performance metrics should be provided.
  • Education: Sustained excellence in training, teaching, and advising of undergraduate, medical or graduate students, residents, clinical or postdoctoral research fellows, or colleagues; as evidenced by teaching evaluations and recognition through formal awards, election to honorary educational societies, national invited lectures and symposia, and leadership of national level workshops, professional society programs, and Continuing Medical Education courses.
  • Research: Excellence may be achieved as an independent investigator (1); and/or a team/collaborative scientist (2)
    • 1. National/international recognition by peers as premier investigator; continuation of original investigation, as evidenced by sustained external funding.
    • 2. Substantial and critical contributions in team or collaborative science projects (with funded effort on multiple external grants) and development of intellectual property and participation or leadership in clinical trials are also recognized

Scholarship: Sustained publication, preferably as first or corresponding author of original studies, clinical observations, case series or reviews in peer-reviewed journals; books or chapters; and teaching materials. Editorship of textbooks. National and international impact on a clinical field or an area of education, evidenced by dissemination of innovative and/or original work in the mission area.

Reputation: Established national and international reputation as a clinician educator supported by letters from external referees, and as indicated by: invited lectureships, service on grant review panels, editorial boards of journals recognized in the faculty member’s field, or national/international advising boards, service as board examiner, or leadership in professional society governing boards.  Exemplary demonstration of the UVa Health System’s ASPIRE values.

Service: Contribution in service to the department, School of Medicine, Health System, University, and/or to professional boards and organizations.