
Other Global Health Activities

Photo of kids waiting for surgery in the Child Life play area

Waiting for surgery in the Child Life play area in Jimma, Ethiopia

Our Department participates in several ongoing global health initiatives:

Unfortunately during COVID, most of the Medical Mission Trips were canceled as institutions and organizations could not travel.

  • Human Resources for Health
    • Together with the Department of Surgery, we participate in a very large-scale training program in Rwanda that sends teaching faculty for longer periods of time, in order to help build capacity.  Residents can participate in a 2-week clinical anesthesia rotation or a longer 4-week education rotation, where they will teach healthcare workers in Rwanda.
  • Other Faculty Activities
    • We have a collaborative effort in Laos with the Midwest Spine Institute
    • We partner with UVA Plastic Surgery on trips to India
    • We have a partnership through Operation Smile in Jimma, Ethiopia