
Advanced Mindful Leadership Training

Mindfulness skills are important in today’s organizations and are critical for leaders to build- especially during this time of ongoing change and disruption. To help you navigate this difficult time, Hoos Well invites managers and leaders to participate in an Advanced Mindful Leadership Training course.

For more information about the curriculum, prerequisites, and upcoming course dates.

Offered by Hoos Well in partnership with the UVA Mindfulness Center twice a year, this Advanced Mindful Leadership Training course is based on the evidence-backed “gold standard” for mindfulness training: the 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) curriculum, developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979 and now taught in every U.S. state and more than 30 countries.

Participation is limited to managers, leaders, and aspiring leaders who are part of UVA Health, UVA Academic Division, University Physicians Group, or UVA’s College at Wise.



The prerequisite for matriculation in this Advanced Mindful Leadership Training course is one or more of the following:

  • Participation in at least six of the eight weekly sessions in the Mindful Leadership Program, provided by eMindful. Applicants fulfilling the pre-requisite with this method must have participated live (vs. watching the session recording) for at least 3 of these sessions.
  • Prior completion of a MBSR-based course provided by the UVA Mindfulness Center.
  • Prior completion of an academic course or comparable program on mindfulness  (minimum 8-week duration).